
A Solid Godly Church: Hierarchy Fundamentals

Last time I discussed what a spiritual leader should reflect in a church that’s worth joining. Now, since it take more than a good leader to make a church go (Collective Body, 1 Corinthians 12), I want to take a look at the church “hierarchy” , or the power structure. WARNING: The Scripture will largely be similar. The structure of the church “hierarchy” should:

1) Also not be into a whole bunch of titles (Matthew 6:5).
2) And if they have the title, they look at it as a calling and not an entitlement…and their walk reflects that (1 Timothy 3).
3) Whatever their field within the church, only derive what they do from the Word of God…in other words, it’s all Kingdom-driven (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
4) Will accept you as you are, while at the same time, uplift you so that you reach the fullness of your potential…and check on you to make sure you’re pushing toward that mark (Ephesians 4:25-32).
5) Make you feel at home, like family. I’m not saying that you make every member of your congregation your brother or sister, but I AM saying that you should make every member of your congregation your brother or sister, and they should accept the same with you.
6) All be solely focused along with the leader of the church to be the church that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against…and have a singular direction in their teachings in whatever field they are in (Matthew 16:18)
7) Have “senior level” members that have been walking with God long enough so that you don’t have to go to the pastor in order to get good growth nuggets (Proverbs 27:17). The pastor should not be the only person in the church with an iron sword. There should be a variety of swords in the church, all going back to the Truth of the Spirit, the Word of God (Ephesians 6:20).
7a) There should be a general church nucleus with Supernatural intellect-ability to navigate the invisible arena on all levels and know the nature of temptation and spiritual warfare (1 Corinthians 10:13/2 Corinthians 10:3-6)
8) Happy with you so long as you are pressing toward the mark to answer the call God put you here for, helping you cultivate that no matter where it physically lands you (Matthew 28:18/Philippians 3:10-17).

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