A couple weeks back we finished with the Ephesians 5 Principle as it pertains to functional masculinity in relationships. As I was writing that one I was looking for a transition to bring this to, but then one was given to me. Sacrifice. Why is sacrifice so doggone important? Simple. As my mom used to say (and still does), "It's not about you." I'm looking at YOU, fellas. In my last entry I talked about the Ephesians 5 principle and how a man is supposed to have his wife characterized as unblemished regardless of the way she's acting in front of him (positionally righteous much like we who are in Christ are positionally righteous before the Father). Well, that holds true for all of a man's dynamics to some extent.
The functional man is constantly seeking God out through the Son Jesus Christ for the best ways to serve (i.e., to Glorify Him and advance His Kingdom). Now don't get me wrong, everyone, male or female is supposed to serve, but we as men need to put ourselves behind the needs of those we serve as Jesus did when he went up on the cross at the end of the Gospel. Humanity needed a savior, so Jesus, who didn't want to be separated from the Father, realized what He was there for and went through with it, and did so joyfully. Note Jesus asked the Father to even show mercy those who were putting Him on the cross. He even saved one of the two vagabonds that he was crucified with; because that guy believe. Well, that's Jesus, who is perfect, what about men? Let me use a practical example.
Men, let me ask you something...especially those of you with wives/fiancees/girlfriends. How many times have you head home from whatever you do in your workplace (sometimes after a lonnnng day) and you get a buzz from the Mrs. to go do something? Did you groan about it? I have myself quite a few times when I was in relationships (even if you aren't married this concept applies but not to the extent that it does within a marriage). How many times did you not want to do something for your significant other and did it begrudgingly? Now sit back and think about where we'd be if Jesus had that attitude? We'd be in a grip of trouble wouldn't we? Hence, Jesus' attitude about going up on the cross and taking the whupping for our sins is the same attitude we must have with our loved ones. And Jesus knew what he was supposed to do under God. Now I'm not telling the men to be all giving the woman anything she wants whenever she wants it. With sacrifice must come discernment. Hence why men must go seek counsel from the Father through the Son, as the Son knew where he was supposed to be at ALL times concerning his immaculate spiritual walk. As men we have to build our functional masculinity through much trembling and building of discipline. We are not supposed to just be giving to any old anything, but sowing our all into everything God told us to do.
As men, we are leaders of the households. However, as leaders we have to make the sacrifice of sowing into the vessel that is our family. Not just for significant others or kids, but for relatives, often times parents,(spiritually) younger men, and anyone God says we as men are supposed to serve as we come across them. Servanthood is important to anyone's general walk, but indispensable to functional masculinity. It's not about you. It's about serving others in God's Kingdom. We'll continue this next week.
Reference 1 Peter 4 for further details.
definitely enlightening. :D keep up the good work.